What is UPRT?

UPRT stands for aeroplane ‘upset prevention and recovery training’ and constitutes a combination of theoretical knowledge and flying training with the aim of providing flight crew with the required competencies to both prevent and to recover from situations in which an aeroplane unintentionally exceeds the parameters for line operation or training (aeroplane upsets).

With the objective to introduce different ‘levels’ of UPRT at various stages of a professional pilot’s career, EASA has published its Opinion No 06/2017 and is currently revising the existing acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) published with regard to the provisions of Annex I (Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as follows:

  • Basic UPRT will exercises to be integrated in all CPL and ATPL training courses as well as the MPL training course.
  • An ‘advanced UPRT course’ will include at least 5 hours of theoretical instruction as well as at least 3 hours of dual flight instruction in an aeroplane, with the aim to enhance the student’s resilience to the psychological and physiological aspects associated with upset conditions.
  • Class- or type-related UPRT during class or type rating training will address the specificities of the relevant class or type of aeroplane.